Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sometimes saying "I love you" from the heart to a person not much
And at that moment when one falls psychologically
The worst thing a fighter if you do not give up so easily
We got the "Hope" not as a blessing but as a punishment
There is nothing worse than having a hope!!!
It just makes you believe that everything will be fine

Friday, April 26, 2013

Knows more than Ruby on Rails!!!
accept it.........
Conoce mas de Ruby!!!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Aprende a programar el lenguaje de tu preferencia o interes
Lear to code interactively....  free

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

developing and modifying the blog

Bueno para mi primer blog estaba estudiando un poco del codigo  fuente de blog....
El cual parece algo bueno que tenga un codigo abierto para hacer ciertas modificaciones y tambien sirve para poner en practica todo lo que uno aprende en los curso de programacion..
Acá le muestro una imagen como podrian realizar esta pequeña y sencilla modificación
Well for my first blog was looking a little blog source code ...
Which seems a good thing to have a open source to make certain modifications and also serves to put into practice everything you learn in the course of programming.
Here I show you a picture as could perform this simple little modification.